Return To Work Services (Aviva)

With work­forces return­ing back to offices, shops, fac­to­ries and con­struc­tion sites, VPS are on hand to help smooth this tran­si­tion cre­at­ing a safe work­ing environment.

Disinfection and Infection Control Services

In response to the Coro­n­avirus (COVID-19) out­break we have been sup­port­ing clients with anti-viral dis­in­fect­ing ser­vices that are suit­able for appli­ca­tion to both prop­er­ty and vehi­cles. These clean­ing ser­vices are intend­ed to:

  • Help reduce the spread of COVID-19
  • Enable busi­ness oper­a­tions to con­tin­ue through pro­vid­ing cus­tomers with increased con­fi­dence in the safe­ty of their work­ing envi­ron­ment in these dif­fi­cult times

The hos­pi­tal grade treat­ment used is non-tox­ic and there­fore safe for a vari­ety of sur­faces includ­ing; car­pets, uphol­stery, hard floors, cup­boards, kitchen tops, chairs, desks, tables and walls.

Return to Work Site Inspection

VPS can con­duct a sur­vey then advise on how to plan, lay­out and achieve return to work best prac­tice. This can be for office, ware­house or retail loca­tions with tailor made solu­tions for each.

Week­ly fol­low up com­pli­ance inspec­tions can then be car­ried out to make sure that the safe dis­tance mea­sures are being adhered to. This is com­plete with real time, instant­ly down­load­able reports with full high def­i­n­i­tion imagery.

VPS Inspections

Pro­tec­tion for Par­tial­ly Unoc­cu­pied Properties

If part of your busi­ness has been able to return to oper­a­tion, but some areas need to remain closed, VPS can offer secu­ri­ty solu­tions which offer robust pro­tec­tion whilst still allow­ing access to site.

For exam­ple hav­ing steel screens fit­ted on the cus­tomer fac­ing areas with a steel door on the rear. Would allow access to the back office staff, whilst still keep­ing the cus­tomer fac­ing retail area secure.

Temporary Protection

For more information or to get a free quote:

Tel: 0161 300 5017 (Please quote ​“AVI­VA”)

E‑mail: aviva@​vpsgroup.​com